Thursday, September 5, 2013

Picture the Beginning

They say a picture can say a thousand words.
Oh, they are so right.  However, I know
that this is just the beginning.  
I know big things are in store for all of us.

I present the Day 1 pictures of the family.
Please don't worry, I won't be posting pictures
every week.  I just wanted to show where
we all started on this journey.

The hubby

The son

The mom (aka Me)

Yes , Johnny definitely has the least 
to go of all of us.  Of course, he has
the least amount to lose.  The man has already lost a whole person.8
JJ and I are a work in progress.8
It will not be an easy journey; however,
it is already a little easier than I expected 
in the beginning.
Plus, I am already starting to see
the results.  I have lost 1.5 lbs in just three day.  I believe that is another 
motivational tool.  Now, if I can
just stay off the scales until my 30 days
are completed on October 6.

I hope you all have a great evening!
Love to you all!!

1 comment:

  1. I believe in you!!! You've got this!! Very proud of how far your journey has taken you :)
