Thursday, March 13, 2014

"I Love You"

If you have children, you know there is nothing like
getting that craft they make at school, church, etc.
No matter what it is, you know you will always cherish it.

Over the years, I have received many a craft from my son.
Some have long since gone or being put into storage.
However, there is one that I still have on proud display for all 
to see when they come into my home.

I do not exactly remember when this little craft was made by JJ.
I seem to recall it was during a vacation bible school at Judson
Baptist Church. All I do remember is that when JJ brought it home,
it immediately was placed on the door handle of my front door.
There is hung until we moved. It has now been hanging on
my living room closet door for almost three years now.

It is nothing fancy. Just four Popsicle sticks, some black
construction paper, white paint and yarn. But honestly,
it means everything to me.

It is faded and looking old.  However, 
that little "I Love You" sign will always have
a special place in my heart. First, because he was so excited
to give it to me. Second, because I will always have an "I Love You"
when he is grown and gone.

I guess that is why I get so excited about doing crafts with my
babies at work. I hope we make something for a mommy/daddy
that they will still have "hanging around" after 11 years and many more.

So, here is to little crafts and "I Love Yous"!

Have a wonderful night everyone!
Love to you all!

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