Friday, December 28, 2012


Today, as I was trying to figure out how to add some stuff
to my timeline on Facebook, I came upon a picture.

This picture made me immediately start crying.
I honestly was in disbelief and could not believe what I was seeing
in this picture.
However, I know this is the way it WAS
but I also know it will NEVER be like this again!!

Here is the picture that had me in tears:

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is Johnny (my husband) and I
in April 2009.
All I can say right now, as the tears come back into my eyes,
is WOW!!  JUST WOW!!

If you have been following for a while, you know that
Johnny had gastric bypass surgery in September 2011 and
he has done absolutely fabulous!
He has lost almost 215 lbs and feels wonderful!

Here he is on December 1, 2012:

Doesn't he look amazing?!?!

I guess the reason I start crying when I see these old pictures of us
is because I never realized how big he was at those times.

When you live with someone and are around them all the time,
I don't know if you block it out or just don't comprehend the situation.

However, that was then and this is now!!
He is healthy and happier than I have seen him in a long time!
I am thankful everyday that he made this decision
because I honestly believe he saved his own life!
And because of that decision, I know for certain
I will get to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful man!!

Love to you all!


  1. Amazing. Seriously. GREAT JOB, Johnny!

  2. Amazing! You both look completely different. Congratulations guys unbelieveable.
