Thursday, October 4, 2012

Applause for News Anchor for Standing Up to a Bully

I am sure that by now, most of you have heard about the news anchor that received a very critical and plan out mean (in my opinion) email concerning her appearance.  If you have not seen her response to this bully, watch below.

Everyone, I had tears rolling down my face after watching this clip.  Though, I may never meet this woman, I wish I could send her a very big THANK YOU!  Her message to this bully and all the bullies out there is very powerful.  I applaude her in taking this stand against this downright cruel person and his comments to her.

I did not realize, until I watched the clip, that October was National Anti-Bullying Month.  What a great time to teach our children that bullying is mean and unacceptable.  What a great time to teach our children that words DO hurt and that sadly, you can not take back those words once they are said.

I have been heavy pretty much all my life.  I have heard the various things people have said about me from junior high, through high school, and even now when I am an adult.  And though, it is not something I admit often, those words still play in my mind.  You can ask Johnny how many times I have asked him he could he ever love someone that is overweight like me.  And I honestly believe those words come from the scars I still carry around from the hurtful words I had to hear then and still hear whispered now.

Please don't think I am writing this to get sympathy for myself.  That is not the case at all!!!  I am writing this to first give this woman praise for standing up to this bully and second to hopeful draw attention to this horrible thing that happens all the time!

I can honestly say that at this point in my life, I am probably the happiest I have been in a very long time.  I know my self-worth is not based on what I look like on the outside.  And yes, I am know I need to still lose weight.  However, I can finally look in a mirror and be happy with what I see even if I don't lose another pound.  That has been a long, hard road and one that I still have not reached the end of to this day.  However, I am better than I was a year ago!

So, please I am asking everyone - think about your words.  Think about what you are saying before you speak or type.  You never know the impact that you might have even 20+ years later.

Have a great day everyone!

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