Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Beginning Part 2....

So, why now?  Why after almost 38 years do I decide to lose the weight?  I have tried for YEARS to lose weight.  I have tried Weight Watchers (numerous times), been through physician assisted weight loss, have been on weight loss medication (Miradia -- nasty medication), and other diets.  Honestly, they work for a while and then I lose my will power.  However, now things are different.  And what is different you may ask? 

Well, there are two great answers to that -- Johnny and JJ!!

See, this journey really began on August 22, 2011.  After an appointment with JJ's doctor, we were told no more sugars/starches.  YIKES!!!  Talk about a huge change.  So, we rid the house of the all the good stuff, as I like to call it, and decided to go low carb.  I also decided that unlike the previous time JJ was on a diet, we would all be doing this diet.

Now, we are NOT doing strict low carb (20g or less a day) but we are staying WAY under the recommended 120g a day.  During this time, we also knew that very soon, Johnny, would be going through gastric bypass.  We were not sure when, but knew the time would be coming soon.

Friday, September 16th we received the call about Johnny's surgery.  We were informed that surgery was scheduled for the 27th of September and he would have to begin his liquid diet on Sunday the 18th.  Talking about getting hit with a ton of information at one time!  So, through all of this, I came to a conclusion....

If my wonderful husband could make the changes he was going to have to make (and we are talking HUGE changes) and my precious child could give up sugar, starches, and all the good things, then I needed to be more diligent in my efforts as well.  So, I give you the Road To The NEW Me Blog site (yeah, I know, you already knew that since you are reading this -- LOL)

However, I have come to realize something else.  As I was sitting in church this morning, something hit me.  I know it was a message that I needed to follow.  The following is what came to me and I made sure to write it down so I could share.  "Not only is it a NEW road to a NEW me weight wise, but I have come to find out it is a NEW road to me spirtually as well.  I realize now that not only will I need the support of my family and friends; however, my main ROCK through this process is going to be God.  So therefore, not only is this going to be about me shrinking in size (hopefully) but most importantly about me growing in Christ."

I can not wait to start everything!  I can not wait to see wait is going to transpire.  Oh and don't worry, this is not going to be all scriptures and such.  I plan sharing my successes and failures, recipes I have tried (in case someone like to give them a try), stories about Johnny's and JJ's journey (because it will relate to me as well), and my growing in God.

Come along for the ride.  Again, it should be an adventure....

Pictures of me with my favorite men!!  How I love them both so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Sissy, that's wonderful! Good Luck!
