Monday, September 26, 2011

The Good and the YIKES (really.....)

Let us begin with the GOOD shall we!  I have been blessed with many wonderful friends in my life.  Luckily, one of the friends God has blessed me with is going to go through weight loss with me.  I personally think she looks beautiful but I completely understand where she is coming from in her quest.  Meet Melinda:

I told you she was pretty.  Yeah, you got a picture with us an our wonderful husbands.  The Halloween picture would have been good but I looked...well you know.

Anyway, last week Melinda was telling that she had decided to go on a journey like me.  She told me she was looking for a book called "Made To Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  After she told me about that I was thinking that wouldn't it be great if we could read it to together.  Bascially, help each other with the struggles this journey brings and learn also how to call on the Lord together when we get those cravings.  So, I called the local bookstore, purchased two copies, and gave Melinda her's on Friday.  We are going to go through it slowly and discuss it as we read.  It's our own very initimate book club -- LOL!!

There is a another reason I am excited to have Melinda on this journey with me.  Melinda is a very faithful steward of God.  I am hoping that she can help me in that part of the journey as well.  I love her caring spirit and her willingness to talk about God.  She is very confident and reassuring.  I am hoping I can become the kind of person she is and be an example like she is everyday.

And now, with the YIKES of the matter (I feel like Casey K when he is announcing the countdown.  Man, I am showing my age).  I wish I could tell you exactly what I weigh at this point in the game.  I am even afraid to let Johnny do my measurements because I know it would probably make small children cry.  Ok - well maybe not small children, but I am sure I would shed a tear or two.  I know that before JJ and I started low carb, my weight was around 278!  There is the first YIKES!!  The second YIKES come from the pictures below.  I am warning you, they are not pretty!

I wanred you!!  Ok, ignore the terrible fashion statement I am making in these pictures.  Hey, it was late at night and I was getting ready to settle in bed.  Anyway, the point of the matter is I look TERRIBLE!!  Not until you see yourself on camera like this do you realize - YIKES!!

Anyway, hopefully you did not get scared away to bad.  My point though is this.  I have always had a love/hate relationship with the scales.  I loathe them if you want to be honest.  So, I have decided for this journey two things are going to happen.  1. I am not going to rely on the scales. I am going to try and get myself weighed today.  However, I am only going to weight myself once a month afterwards.  2. I am going to go by inches.  I know that means I will have to break down and measure myself (I feel the tears starting).  However, I have to have a starting point.

Come along for the ride.  The adventure is in full swing.  And I promise, I will keep the scary pictures to a minimum -- LOL!!


  1. First let me say thank you for the kind words. I am so proud to be going through this with you!! I am proud of Johnny and his situation gives me strength to follow through with this. The one thing I know is that our God is faithful and if we will just look to him to fill the excess appetite he will do so. John 16:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
    I will trust in him to get me through and believe in our abilities to keep each other strong and cheer each other on until we become the people we want to be!
    I am going to start reading today and can't wait for our first discussion.

  2. When I read this and saw you were only going to weigh in once a month, I thought of this photo.

    I think I need to write something similar on my scale...
