Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dancin' With My Hubby

You know, I love my husband!!
He always seems to surprise me.

We have been married almost
15 years now and some
days it feels like we just got married
yesterday.  Of course, there are
the days they we get on each other's 
nerves to no end.  But through
it all, we have stayed the course.

Last night, Johnny was adding some
Boyz II Men songs to his iPod.
He was playing some of the songs
as we were going upstairs to bed.

As we stopped in the kitchen to 
make sure the dog had water,
the song "End of the Road" came on.

Next thing I know, I am twirling around the kitchen
in my husband's arms as we are dancing to this song.
He really can be romantic!  And it completely
caught me off guard a little also because
Johnny does not like to slow dance a lot.
But I loved every second as we danced 
in our kitchen to that old song!

I love you Johnny!

Have a great night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I love that he did that, makes me smile just reading about it.
