Saturday, February 2, 2013

Snow Day = Cleaning Day

Oh, the crazy weather that has been around WV this week.
74 degrees on Wednesday before plummeting into the 20s-30s
on Thursday.  Then the snow started!  YIKES!

All and all I am not going to complain.
Even though I wasn't able to get to work yesterday,
I am not going to complain about the weather.
We need some cold weather to kill 
off some bugs and other things.

So, since they were calling for snow again
today (and it is still snow as I write), I
decided that today would be the perfect
day to clean!  And I mean clean.

Now, I am not saying my house is dirty or anything.
However, there are somethings I have been 
needing to do and just did not have the time.
Hence, snow day = cleaning day!

Besides the usual stuff, you know bathrooms, etc,
I decided to tackle the kitchen!

First things first, pull out the old sewing machine.

The first thing tackled was making something to
put my plastic wraps, storage baggies, etc in
so I could free up storage space.

Taking two fat quarters, I made this:

 It is actually very roomy.
It is currently holding four wraps and three boxes of
storage bags!  Not bad for $1.94!

After cleaning everything else, it was time
to tackle my cabinets.
Oh yes, I am famous for just sticking
things where ever just to get it put away.
So, I decided it was time to change that philosophy.

Tackled the food cabinets first.
Actually, this works in my favorite because
it helps me see what I need for my menu planning.

After the pantry, was the pots and pans cabinets.
Then, it was the dreaded container cabinets.
Why do I call them dreaded?
Well, take a look for yourself:

I told you I just threw things in the cabinet.
Then of course, I would complain when 
I couldn't find anything!

That is why today, I went through everything
in this cabinet.  Pulled some things for the coming
church yard sale and threw out anything that did not
have a lid or any lid that had no bowl!
I also made pockets for all the lids so they could
be stored out of the way.
After about an hour and a half, I got this:

Everything neat and tidy.
I need to go back and tweak my lid pockets a little,
but not to shabby if I do say so myself!

Now, this tired mama is heading to bed!
Have a great night everyone!

Love to you all!

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