Saturday, September 7, 2013

I'll have a "Voss" water

I will admit something.  When I saw the movie "Grown Ups" and the kid asked for "Voss" water, I thought it was something made up for the movie.

Oh, you haven't seen the movie?  Well, here is the clip(s) from the movie. (Btw, get the movie - it is hilarious and great family comedy.)

I honestly had never heard of Voss water before that movie.  If it wasn't something  like Dasani or Aquafina, it had not been brought into my home.  Quite honestly, I get my water from the tap and forget about buying water.  That might come from the fact that my thesis dealt with testing many brands (69 to be exact) of bottled water.  Believe me, you would be surprised where some of your bottled water "springs" from in the US.  However, that is a story for a different time.  

So, the other day JJ starts talking about Voss water.  Apparently, he had seen the water at a local mom and pop store.  JJ became so excited about this, I relented and let him purchase on today.

First, taste wise it was pretty good.  You could definitely tell it had been through a vigorous filtration.  Second, the price really threw me.  $1.79 for one bottle!!  What?!!  If I would add approximately another 80 cents, I could buy a 24 bottle case from Walmart.  GEESH!!  

Will I ever buy it for him again?  Maybe.  Would it be something I would buy everyday?  Absolutely not.  Though as a "treat" for JJ, I will let him buy Voss from time to time.

Hope you all have a great day!!

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