Sunday, January 27, 2013

For the love of Narnia

In 5th grade, I was introduced to a magically place - 

The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis have
been my all time favorite books since that time.

There is just something magically about those books.
Lewis' writing is absolutely amazing.
You actually feel like you are in Narnia.

My parents bought me the entire set of books
back in 5th grade.  I actually still have all
these wonderful books.

I would love to find some way to preserve
them because they are starting to become fragile.
I realize they are not the original books, but
these are very special to me.
I spent many hours reading these books.

Then when the first movie was about to be released,
my lovely husband bought me this:

It is the complete collection in one book.
However, what I love the most about this book
is that it published in the order Lewis
really wanted them read.

If you have ever read the series, you know
the series begins with "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe."
In this compilation, the first book is "The Magician's Nephew."
It really changes the entire series reading them how Lewis
really preferred the books read.

And yes, I have seen all the movies.
I personally like the movies; however, 
they do not compare to the books at all.

And yes, there is the underlying theme of 
Christianity in the books.
I think that is why I love them so much more now
than when I was a child.
When I was a child, I thought of them as a great story.
Now, I see the lessons Lewis put into the books.

If you have never read "The Chronicles of Narnia", 
please read them soon.
You don't have to a child to enjoy these books.
I believe adults have a lot to learn from these beautiful books as well!

So, I would just like to say
"Thank you Mrs. Gwinn!  You gave me
something no one can ever take away from me.
The wonderful world of Narnia."

Have a great night everyone!
Love to you all!

PS - Here is the order, according to HarperCollins, that 
C. S. Lewis preferred the books to be read.
"The Magician Nephew"
"The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"
"The Horse and His Boy"
"Prince Caspian"
"The Voyage of the Dawn Treader"
"The Sliver Chair"
"The Last Battle"

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