Monday, January 21, 2013

Pain, Pain Go AWAY

Yes, I am borrowing on an old nursery rhyme.
I am sick of being in pain and I am praying that Dr. Tao
can get me out of pain tomorrow!

I have had trouble with my knees for years.
Last year, my right knee got so bad that I just couldn't take it anymore.
Thankfully, we already had a great orthopedic doctor due to JJ's various
injuries.  So, I finally broke down and made an appointment.
After a couple of appointments, an MRI and a couple of 
cortisone shots (that hurt like I don't know what), 
Dr. Tao determined it was osteoarthritis.
However, I am beginning to wonder if it is not something more serve now.

I am in pain all the time.
I can not walk sometimes because the pain is so bad.
It hurts to sit with my feet propped up.
It hurts to sit with my feet dangling.
If I try to get up after sitting for awhile, I look like I am 90+
years old because of the pain I feel when I try to walk.
I am popping Advil like they are candy and they aren't helping anymore!
And the worst part, the left knee has been also hurting now for the past 3 months.
I give up!!

So, if you pray, could you please say a little one for me tomorrow!
I would greatly appreciate it!

Now, on a happier note!
I finally figured out why I could not upload pictures.
I had to install Google Chrome because our internet explorer 
was not supporting Google applications anymore.

Therefore, here is the pictures of the Satay from Saturday night.

4 ingredients

Turn into this delicious mixture.
Seriously, I could have licked the bowl when done!

That gave me three bags of marinated chicken.

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!
Love to you all!

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