Saturday, October 15, 2011

20 lbs and counting.....

Yes folks, you read that correctly!  I am now down 20 pounds since August 22!  I am VERY happy!  As I wrote before, I only really want to weigh myself once a month.  However, beginning Monday, I am going to have to be weighed weekly, so I decided to get accustomed to the idea.  Also, by seeing the change on the scale, it makes me even more willing to get on that treadmill every morning and continue to eat correctly.

Johnny is doing well also.  We are going to try baked fish tonight for his dinner.  I pray he can tolerate it well.  He and I took a really nice walk this afternoon.  I need to call his physician's office and see when he can begin using the treadmill.  I want him to start getting up and doing more.  I am worried because I am afraid he is sitting too much.

On the other front of becoming a new me, things are looking up there as well.  I went to choir practice for the first time in forever Tuesday night and I started back to Wednesday classes.  Now, I am trying to play catch up this weekend on the booking we have being reading.  Oh well, if I don't catch completely up, at least I will be further ahead than I was last week.  We are studying a very interesting book by J. I. Packer entitled "Knowing God".  I would highly recommend it to everyone.  It is very thought stirring and is pretty easy to read. 

Today as I was re-reading the first chapter, I found a passage that really spoke to me.  "Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what surrounds you.  This way you can waste your life and lose your soul."  Very profound words and very true.  That is honestly how I have felt over the course of the past couple of weeks - stumbling and blundering.  But I am trying to get back to the straight path.  It is hard, but so worth it in the end!

Come along for the ride.  The adventure is something else....

Updated pic of my progress.  I really need to find something to help with the abdominal section!  But progress none the less (I think anyway).


  1. Pilates Sissy! Tones the midsection right up. Mari Winsor is the best, and you can go slow and easy and build up to it, so there is no pressure to push to hard. Its low impact, good for the whole body. I would skip any of the rocking excersizes till you work up to it. I still skip them cause I just dont like them. There are only like 4 where you rock anyway. Back in 2006 I lost 40 pounds doing nothing but pilates and Yoga, and I went down from an 18 to a 14 jeans because my midsection slimmed down so much. I am so happy to see the new path you and your family are on! Blessings to all, and keep up the good work! :)

  2. Thank you Mari! I will be definitely looking into pilates and Mari Winsor. Hope all is well with you and your family!

  3. Very encouraging. I wish you all the best. If you feel so inclined, try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout DVD. I lost 80 pounds using it after I had Aubrey and it's only 20 minutes a day. I'll do that workout until the day I die.

  4. Thank you Maria! I appreciate it! I will definitely check you the DVD.
