Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Confessions (Part 2)

It has been over a week since I last hit the treadmill.  I was really afraid this was going to happen.  Thank goodness I start at the Weight Loss Center next Tuesday so I will be held accountable!

I have done this all my life.  I will start working out and then BOOM, something happens and I just stop.  I know I should do it and I feel so much better when I do exercise.  However, I honestly believe the health stuff I am going through right now is making this so much harder.  No, I am not making excuses some I can skip out on responsibility. 

For those who may not know it, I had a hysterectomy in March.  So, I don't get too graphic here, it was not a complete one, so I still have some minor parts left (I know you are all scratching your head right now going huh?).  Anyway, about two to three weeks ago, I started experiencing horrible hot flashes.  Ask my fellow employees at work, I will all of sudden just break into one soaking sweat.  And then, the night times are worse.  I will wake up two or three times a night just burning up.  That is why I am typing this at 4:55 am.  I have actually been up since around 4 am.

I did call my doctor's office concerning this situation.  However, I need to go in and have a blood test ran.  Okay, major hurdles here to accomplish this request.  I have to be at work at 8 and they don't open until 8.  I take lunch from 12 to 1 and so do they.  And they close at noon on Friday, my half day.  So, I am going to have to eventually take at least a 1/2 day off of work to get a five minute test done.  Honestly, I have taken off so much lately due to Johnny's surgery and appointments, it is hard to ask for another day.

So since this has been happening, when I get up early like this morning or end up oversleeping because I can not getting up with the alarm clock, I don't feel like working out.  Yes, I know - why don't I just do it in the evening?  Well, quite frankly, I don't want to and I do my housework in the evenings.  Again, not excuses, just truth.

I am loving the way I am feeling and looking since losing the 23 pounds I have lost.  Yes, I am still watching my diet.  However, I need supreme motivation for the exercise portion.

Has any one else felt like this?  Am I the only person who does this and then feels extreme guilt?  Thoughts and opinions are appreciated.


  1. You are not the only person who does this. I am so proud of you and love reading your blog! Keep at it. As far as the surgery stuff I did that too after mine. I still do sometimes. Try going a shorter time on the treadmill when you are really tired. You may feel better and want to do more. :)

  2. you have written exactly what i experience with exercise; i will find a video/something new and will LIKE it and do it and then will just stop doing it because.....i just stop doing it... don't know the reason....with me i tell myself that it is okay to take a break but then there is a time to resume or find something else...anything that keeps me moving...

  3. It just all depends on how bad you want it!
