Tuesday, October 11, 2011


First - I am just too tired to get on the treadmill this morning.  Yes, instead of playing around on the computer, I should just go workout.  However, I am just drained and need a one day break.  Actually, I will workout tonight after work.  I promise.

Second, the other part of this NEW me is suppose to be me growing more closer to our gracious and saving Lord.  I wish I could say that journey is going as well as the weight loss; however, that would be telling a lie.  Oh, I am definitely praying more and praying at times I would not usually pray.  However, I have not been to church in two weeks and I have not reading my Bible like I should. 

Yes, I realize the last two weeks have been very hectic around this house.  I also know that my place has been with Johnny while he mends.  However, I miss church.  I miss the fellowship.

Also, when I first went back to church several years ago, I was hungry to learn.  Hungry to learn all I could.  I read the bible every morning.  I had my quiet relfection time every evening.  I felt so much stronger then.  And then, I don't know what happened. 

So now, when I want to start building that relationship again, I feel broken.  I feel like my prayers are not being heard.  I feel that I have turned my back maybe one to many times and He is finished with me.  I feel like the devil is always there putting some obstacle in my way to prevent me from getting back to that feeling I use to have and devotation I use to have.   I honestly hate feeling like this!  I feel like a spirtual nothing!

Guess I am just asking for prayers right now that I get back on the right path ASAP.  Also, prayers that HE is not finished with me and that I can save the relationship I need with HIM!

Come along for the ride.  The adventure is sometimes not all sunny.....

1 comment:

  1. You know I am praying for you!! Remember he never moves away from us we are the ones who move and when we are broken we are still and maybe the most beautiful to him. I am going to post two songs on you facebook wall that I encourage you to listen to I think they will lift your mood and express all the things I want to remind you of. I love you and so does HE!! ~Melinda
