Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sometimes you just have to....

Eat something that is not good for you.  And yes people, I have ate stuff in the past two days that have not been anywhere NEAR low carb.  Also, I have not done so great about drinking my water the last two days.  Yes, I feel guilty.  Yes, I know better.  However, I wanted to eat it, stop the cravings, and move on with my diet.

Now, here is the thing, I could have made dinner the last two nights low carb.  We had Chinese (leftover Chinese tonight).  If I could have stayed away from the rice, the pepper steak would have been an okay choice.  However, that rice was calling my name.  It was going Sissy, Sissy.  So, I just had to listen.  Oh, I have had Chinese since going low carb and I have been a really good girl.  I always ordered and said hold the rice.  But I was craving it so bad last night.  So, I decided to give in and stop the craving. 

And because of those cravings, that is why I gave into the double cheeseburger yesterday for lunch.  Could have been better without the bun.  But gosh, it tasted so good. 

So, my question is this, did I do the right thing?  Or did I just completely blow my entire diet?  I am going back full tilt tomorrow, but I feel horrible.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day!

Now for a Johnny update.  He is still doing well.  He hasn't weighed himself lately but I know he is doing well.  I just can't believe it has been three weeks since his surgery! Here is a new photo:

My biggest fear is he is not getting his protein like he is suppose to be getting right now.  I am also worried because he is not eating like he is suppose too.  He should be eating about 4oz at a time of various things during a meal.  However, he is still eating only one item at most meals.  He states he doesn't feel hungry or feel like eating that much.  I am just worried!  And if you know me at all, I worry about everything!

I do have pics of his first semi-real meal.  Check out the look on his face.  It is priceless!

This was breakfast on Sunday.  It was a 1/2 of scambled egg, 2 Tbsp cottage cheese, and 2 oz baby food peaches.  He ate most of it but not all.  I was proud of him!

Come along for the ride.  The adventure is sometimes not very healthy but yummy none the less...

1 comment:

  1. Sissy, I think what you are doing is AMAZING !! Dont beat yourself up, you didnt blow your diet, you just treated yourself for all the hard work you have done up to this point. Relax....now your treat is over, tomorrow is a new day, when we fall we get back up again. Best part about it is, that God is there when you fall and when your standing proud, so are your friends....I have lost 27 pounds, not as fast as you, but still working at it. Be proud of yourself... Yetta
